









石乐明,男,1964年出生,湖南益阳人。2011年加入复旦大学,现任生命科学学院、人类表型组研究院和附属肿瘤医院教授。国家重点研发计划“战略性国际科技创新合作”重点专项项目首席科学家(2019)、获4项美国专利授权、中国专利金奖(2017,第4完成人)发表论文200(15Nature Biotechnology)SCI他引13,000多次h-index=55,编著《大数据与精准医学》一书(2017);共同创立国际MAQC组学大数据质量控制学会,担任其首任主席(2017-2018)、首任首席科学官和董事。

毕业于湖南大学(1985学士分析化学)中国科学技术大学(1988硕士计算化学)中国科学院过程工程研究所(1991博士计算化学)留所任助研(1991)和副研(1993)1994-1997美国凯斯西储大学NIH/NCI 从事博士后研究,1997-2001年在美国FDAWyethBASF


2003年重新加入美国FDA发起基因芯片和新一代测序质量控制准化国际联盟MAQC/SEQCNature Biotechnology200620102014年以3个专辑出版其成果,并将于2021年出版第4个专辑,以多篇文章介绍肿瘤基因组测序质量控制和标准化的研究成果。其工作为国际MAQC组学大数据质量控制学会(www.maqcsociety.org)的成立奠定了基础,旨在提高多组学高通量技术的可重复性,为精准医学保驾护航(Shi L et al., Nature Biotechnology 2017)


研究方向为化学基因组学、药物基因组学、精准医学、医学大数据、生物信息学和化学信息学等,通过确保多组学数据产生、分析和解读的可重复性和可靠性,挖掘与疾病预防、诊断和治疗相关的生物标志物(如三阴乳腺癌的精准分子分型和精准治疗,Jiang YZ et al., Cancer Cell 2019),提高新药研发成功率和药物临床使用有效率。




  1. Xiao W#*, Ren L#, …, Wang C*, Shi L*. Towards best practice in cancer mutation detection with whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing. Nature Biotechnology, 39, in press (2021)

  2. Fang LT#, Zhu B#, Zhao Y#, …, Hong H*, Shi L*, Wang C*, Xiao W*. Establishing community reference samples, data and call sets for benchmarking cancer mutation detection using whole-genome sequencing. Nature Biotechnology, 39, in press (2021)

  3. Jiang YZ#, Ma D#, Suo C#, Shi J#, Xue M#, Hu X#, …, Wang P*, Shi L*, Huang W*, Shao ZM*. Genomic and transcriptomic landscape of triple-negative breast cancers: subtypes and treatment strategies. Cancer Cell, 35(3), 428-440 (2019). (ESI highly cited paper)

  4. Shi L, …, Tong W. The international MAQC Society launches to enhance reproducibility of high-throughput technologies.Nature Biotechnology, 35(12), 1127-1128 (2017)

  5. Peifer M#, Hertwig F#, Roels F#, Dreidax D#, Gartlgruber M#, …, Shi L, …, Westermann F*, Thomas RK*, Fischer M*. Telomerase activation by genomic rearrangements in high-risk neuroblastoma. Nature, 526(7575), 700-704 (2015). (ESI highly cited paper)

  6. Su Z#, Łabaj PP#, Li S#, …, Kreil DP*, Mason CE*, Shi L*. A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequence Quality Control consortium. Nature Biotechnology, 32(9), 903-914 (2014). (ESI highly cited paper)

  7. Shi L#*, …, Wolfinger RD. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models. Nature Biotechnology, 28(8), 827-838 (2010). (ESI highly cited paper)

  8. Tong W, …, Shi L. Evaluation of external RNA controls for the assessment of microarray performance. Nature Biotechnology, 24(9), 1132-1139 (2006)

  9. Guo L#*, …, Shi L*. Rat toxicogenomic study reveals analytical consistency across microarray platforms. Nature Biotechnology, 24(9), 1162-1169 (2006)

  10. Shi L#*, …, Slikker W, Jr. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements. Nature Biotechnology, 24(9), 1151-1161 (2006). (Cited 1565 times; featured by Cell, Nature, and Science)